3 things you may not know about triggers

🌀A trigger is a perceived threat in our environment or relationship that is linked to a similar difficult event in the past. When this happens, the integration of our present experience is blocked

🌀The opposite to a trigger is a GLIMMER. A moment that creates a sense of internal safety, well-being and connection

🌀Triggers are opportunities to heal the original hurt. Although painful, triggers are an invitation to care for the part of us that is still in pain. Healing is ALWAYS a work in progress.

So then…Triggers are part of life. As long as we have a nervous system, we will always have our triggers and everyone's triggers are different.

That’s the reality check.

Triggers do make sense, they are the red flags for our nervous system that is always trying to keep us safe. Safe in environment, safe in relationships. Whatever hasn't been safe about these particular things in the past will be the thing that we watch out for in the present.

And hurrah for Glimmers 💫. A term coined by Deb Dana (clinician of The Polyvagal Theory). They are the hope in what can feel like a hopeless reality, a promise of safety, expansion and restored connection in small but significant micro-moments.

I want to know what you want to know about triggers. What baffles you? Scares you? Maybe even inspires you?


My thoughts on grief


Oppression, depression, expression