What is a father’s true role?
Whether you’re a father, a father figure or a secondary caregiver – the role is yours to define.

3 ways to pause when you are triggered
The key to transforming your triggers is to introduce a pause when you feel triggered.

Paternal absence
What does paternal absence feel like? If you had an absent father growing up, you’ll know it’s more than their physical absence that matters.

What’s the secret to good therapy?
Alongside what we talk about in therapy, there’s the most important thing - the relationship you have with your therapist.

Why fathers matter in psychotherapy (Part 1)
There's a lot of focus on the role of the mother and primary caregivers in the theories and academic literature that go into Psychotherapy…

Trigger or Glimmer?
Here's a thing on💥 Triggers and 💫Glimmers. They're different ways to understand what is happening in your nervous system as it responds to cues of safety or unsafety in your inner and outer worlds.

Fatherhood according to Freud
I did some research a few years ago on the role of the father. Of course, I started with Freud, the so-called father of psychoanalysis, and this is what I found.

The surprising benefits of therapy
Psychotherapy is so much more than a 50-minute conversation with your therapist. Over time, the weekly conversation builds to a relationship; a relationship that becomes the portal to your healing and transformation.

Listening as a psychotherapist
When I listen as a therapist, I’m listening to you on multiple levels and frequencies at once.

Giving space or holding space
What’s the difference between giving someone space when they're upset and holding space for them?

Can you just be curious?
Do you need to be in crisis to be in therapy?
No. Crisis can be that big life crunchpoint that gets you searching for your therapist, but you can also begin therapy from a point of curiosity, of intrigue, of interest.

Is my problem enough of a problem for therapy?
Sometimes, people find it hard to justify their reason to come to therapy.

Therapy is not all about trauma.
Surprising isn’t it? But while trauma, the processing of big T trauma and little T trauma is a huge part of why you may come to therapy…

4 things to support psychotherapy
4 things that I hear clients say over and over again that support their progress in psychotherapy are…

Integrative Psychotherapy
Put simply, it’s an integration of a variety of psychotherapeutic ideas and concepts…

7 women I celebrate in psychotherapy
So here are 7 women I celebrate in psychotherapy. They inspire me, enlighten me and ground me in their massive minds, hearts and souls.

Therapy is not your only resource
Before there was therapy, people have been caring, healing and surviving life's indiscriminate bashes and bruises using a myriad of resources.

Anxious about being anxious
Say ‘hello’ to anticipatory anxiety, the anxiety that kicks in before the actual big thing has happened.

My thoughts on grief
I’ve been thinking about what the death or the loss of someone does to our relationship with them.

3 things you may not know about triggers
A trigger is a perceived threat in our environment or relationship that is linked to a similar difficult event in the past.