3 ways to pause when you are triggered

The key to transforming your triggers is to introduce a pause when you feel triggered.

This vital pause, (even if it’s for a couple of
seconds) when repeated over time builds new and healthier ways of coping.

This is your brain rewiring and you body remoulding.

You can pause in 3 ways.

1. Label 🌀: Notice when you’re triggered and naming the feeling you’re experiencing in the moment. This validates your experience and slows down your reactivity

2. Inquire 🌀: Ask yourself more about what’s happening, where and how does it hurt? Get curious as if you were helping a child with the same feelings. This builds self-care and self-respect

3. Show self-compassion 🌀 : Start by coming into neutral, suspend self-critique and let whatever you feel exist for a moment. Then ask yourself what do you need right now? Space? Respect? Care? It can be very simple. Acknowledging this need and responding with self-compassion helps build self-accountability and responsibility.

Healing is possible - the key is always going to be about creating care and compassion within your world.

I have put lots of tools together like this in my course ‘Transform your Triggers’ which I’ll be making available in the next few weeks.


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