What’s the secret to good therapy?

At first what might feel like GOOD therapy might be about the insights, the epiphanies, the revelations, the pattern spotting, the dot joining, and the ah-has, but then…


…the real therapy starts.

Alongside what we talk about in therapy, there’s the most important thing - the relationship you have with your therapist.

True, the growth, healing and transformation happens in your mind meeting mine as we explore, reorganise and process old patterns, beliefs and experiences. But the therapy also happens in the heart-to-heart, body-to-body and soul-to-soul of the relationship we build together.

It’s a relationship like no other.

It is one where
🌀You are held no matter how far you unravel
🌀All parts of you are welcome, even the most shamed and censored
🌀You can say the unspeakable, be real and be heard
🌀You choose what you do and don’t talk about and when
🌀You can take the breaks off caring for others if that’s what you tend to do
🌀 You can trust in an honesty that is consistent, grown-up and accountable
🌀You can play, stretch and explore aspects of you
🌀You will be contained within crystal clear boundaries, we will never be friends and that’s appropriate and ok
🌀You can test new ways of relating that feel risky in outside relationships
🌀Your intuition is sharpened
🌀Your inner critic is softened
🌀Your sensitivity is celebrated
🌀Your ways of coping and protecting yourself are honoured
🌀Your confidentiality and privacy are non-negotiable
Building relationships is why I do what I do - it starts here. If you are looking to create transformation in your world, I have 3 spaces opening for clients this month. Get in touch to book a complimentary connection call.


Paternal absence


Why fathers matter in psychotherapy (Part 1)