4 things to support psychotherapy

4 things that I hear clients say over and over again that support their progress in psychotherapy are:


I take this anecdotal evidence seriously and there is continuing proof at the overall benefit of these activities to support inner change on a psychological and physiological level.

Here’s why

🌀1 Meditation: when you get quiet with yourself and often realise how busy is it is inside! (Which is part of the reason why meditation is not easy!) It is a space that invites you to be with what you notice, often more in terms of a single point of focus (aka an anchor) such as the breath. Meditation builds your capacity for self-acceptance and self-regulation as it has been shown to shrink the alarm system in the brain (the amygdala)

🌀2 Journalling improves overall self-awareness and reflexivity. The permission you give yourself to write in free flow and without an agenda helps loosen the reigns on self-criticism and invites creativity and curiosity. It is a distilling and processing space.

🌀3 Mindfulness is being present to whatever you are doing with intentionality and compassion. It can come as part of a meditation practice or during parts of your day. It is also a way to connect with others as well as yourself giving yourself and all of your senses to that activity and strengthening your intuition as a result

🌀4 Movement is a real biggie especially for trauma work. Movement reminds you that you have agency and choice - you can move away from danger or towards safety and are self-governing. Your body is an amazing resource that can hold that big feeling or experience and let it move through you - it does not have to overcome you.


Therapy is not all about trauma.


Integrative Psychotherapy