Integrative Psychotherapy

What exactly IS ‘integrative’ psychotherapy? Put simply, it’s an integration of a variety of psychotherapeutic ideas and concepts. Just a few of these concepts include:

🌀attachment theory
🌀object relations
🌀poly-vagal theory
🌀body psychotherapy
🌀relational depth

But it’s no ordinary integration, the way I bring this all together depends on who my client is, what their experience is and what is happening for them inside the room (or Zoom) and outside of it.

It’s completely dynamic and I never work with any client in the same way. There is no cookie cutting or pret a porter. And all the fancy theories will only amount to so much - What is most important to therapeutic ‘success’ is the relationship you have with your therapist. That’s why I also give clients an opportunity to speak on the phone with no charge before we arrange an initial consultation. It’s a chance for us to get a sense of our fit before we embark on what comes next.


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