The surprising benefits of therapy

Psychotherapy is so much more than a 50-minute conversation with your therapist. Over time, the weekly conversation builds to a relationship; a relationship that becomes the portal to your healing and transformation.

This transformation happens through:
✨Respect for your thoughts
✨Validation of your feelings
✨Genuine curiosity in who you really are
✨Honouring the ways you’ve coped so far
✨Trust that leads to your own self-trust
✨Cultivating self-compassion
✨Beefing up your self-care muscles
✨Weeding out unhelpful beliefs
✨Tuning in to the subtleties of your nervous system
✨Experiencing an honest and unflappable relationship that you can rely on 100%

So the surprising benefit of therapy is you learning to value yourself, your needs and your humanness. The benefit of this impacts every single area of your life.

Ready to value yourself and make the change you want to see in your life? I have space for 3 clients ready for this change so if it’s you, get in touch to book a complimentary connection call via link in bio.


Fatherhood according to Freud


Listening as a psychotherapist