Listening as a psychotherapist

When I listen as a therapist, I’m listening to you on multiple levels and frequencies at once.

I listen with my mind, my heart and my body because a therapy session is more than a verbal exchanges of stories, ideas, insights and observations.

There is the communication that happens in the non-verbal. Our bodies are talking, our nervous systems are speaking and resonating like tuning forks with each other even without us trying. The therapy is as much in the non-verbal as the verbal, as this experience of containment and co-regulation lays the foundation for your increasing self-regulation and growth.

Over my decade of working with clients, I’ve learnt to hold these multiple exchanges at once, this is absolutely crucial as it is ALL information I can tap into in order to guide the therapy as to where it may need to go next, with a client’s collaboration and consent.

So if you’re showing up at therapy, tired of talking and thinking, or you’re wondering how much talking you really need to do, just know that your body is already taking care of it for you.


The surprising benefits of therapy


Giving space or holding space